NATIONAL CONGRESS OF ITALIAN HISTORICAL RURAL LANDSCAPES Sant’Apollonia Complex via San Gallo 25 / a, Florence 5-7 November 2021

NATIONAL CONGRESS OF ITALIAN HISTORICAL RURAL LANDSCAPES Sant’Apollonia Complex via San Gallo 25 / a, Florence 5-7 November 2021

The first National Congress of Italian Historic Rural Landscapes will be held next 5-6-7 November at the Auditorium of the Sant’Apollonia Complex in Florence. On this occasion, the representatives of the 27 landscapes currently registered in the National Register of rural landscapes of historical interest, agricultural practices and traditional knowledge , established at the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF) with Decree no. 17070/2012, will make their territory known by highlighting the uniqueness, products, culture and traditions that distinguish it.

The event represents an opportunity to underline the importance of the conservation of agricultural systems linked to quality production, culture, traditional knowledge, biodiversity and landscape quality. These are resilient agricultural models that have proven to be able to adapt to different and changing climates and environments, to socio-economic transformations, and able to represent a competitive and sustainable model of rural development linked to the rural landscape, one of the most important values. of the national cultural and environmental heritage which covers 90% of the Italian territory. The conference aims to discuss the potential, criticalities and vulnerabilities that threaten agricultural activity in these areas where the historical roots are still strong, and their role in view of the European Green Deal, the PNRR and the new Community Agricultural Policy. The conference will also make it possible to address the links with the FAO World Program on the Conservation of World Agricultural Heritage (GIAHS) and with the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In addition to the objectives of strengthening the community of historical rural landscapes recognized by MIPAAF and of raising awareness of multilevel governance, the event will be the setting for an important initiative, namely, the establishment of the Association of Historic Rural Landscapes of Italy.



Organizing Committee

  • Prof. Mauro AGNOLETTI, Technical-Scientific Secretariat of the National Observatory of Rural Landscape (ONPR) of MIPAAF
  • Prof. Tiziano TEMPESTA, Scientific Expert National Observatory of Rural Landscape (ONPR) of MIPAAF
  • Dr. Giuseppe BARBERA, MIPAAF National Observatory of Rural Landscape (ONPR) scientific expert
  • Federica ROMANO, FAO Global Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Program Consultant and Horizons Srl
  • Martina VENTURI, Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies (DAGRI), University of Florence
  • Luca FABBRI, Consultant Horizons Srl and Member of the National Council of Food Districts
  • Dr. Antonio SANTORO, Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies (DAGRI), University of Florence